Economic Development

How are we Growing Commerce and Community in Lac Cardinal Country?

Our Projects

Industrial & Retail Market Analysis

LCREDB contracted Cushing Terrell Architecture Inc. to complete a Retail Market Analysis and an Industrial market Analysis for our region. The purpose of these analyses was to identify potential areas for growth in our region. The reports highlight consumer spending, traffic counts, and trade area. Both reports are available by emailing

Oat Processing Plant

In 2017 LCREDB completed a Business case for an Oat Processing Plant for the region. The Northwest region of Alberta, in 2011 grew more than 200,000 acres of oats. The regions excellent Transportation links, both rail and road, makes the Lac Cardinal region a natural collection point for a processing facility.

Village of Berwyn Economic Action Plan

The Village of Berwyn has, like most smaller rural municipalities, seen a decline in retail and industrial developments. LCREDB is working with Mackenzie Municipal Services Agency and the Village to develop an action plan to identify opportunities for the Village.

Chamber Revitalization

We are constantly working closely with the Chambers of Commerce in the region to develop strategies to revitalize.